Rail Baltica – what it offers to the security in the region?



29. septembris, 2018

Par raidījumu
Skaties Rīgas konferences jeb The Rīga Conference 2018 prezentāciju RAIL BALTICA – WHAT IT OFFERS TO THE SECURITY IN THE REGION?  angļu valodā. 

Rail Baltica is probably the most complex and investment-demanding transportation project undertaken by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. While very few would argue the necessity of integrated transportation system with the rest of the Europe, what does this project offer for the security of the region?

Mr Aivar Jaeski
 , Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ, Estonia Branch Director

Moderator: Dr. Sandis Šrāders, Board member of Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, Director of Sales and Strategic Projects at Radio of Latvia