Has Trump hijacked NATO?
28. septembris, 2018
Par raidījumuPiedāvājam noskatīties Rīgas konferences jeb The Rīga Conference 2018 prezentāciju HAS
TRUMP HIJACKED NATO? (angļu val.).
While Trump’s request for all NATO member states to bring their defence spending to at least to 2% seems reasonable, his rhetoric and awkward relationship with Putin leaves many in Europe worried. With the rise of populism across the US and Europe are transatlantic relations as we knew them since NATO was founded still relevant?
Dr. Stefanie von Hlatky , associate professor of political studies at Queen’s University and the fellow of the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, Canada
Mr Eric Povel , Program Officer, NATO Public Diplomacy Division
Moderator: Mr Mārtiņš Hiršs , Researcher at the Centre for Security and Strategic Research, Latvia