Germany at the centre of a changing Europe



29. septembris, 2018

Par raidījumu
Skaties Rīgas konferences jeb The Rīga Conference 2018 prezentāciju GERMANY AT THE CENTRE OF A CHANGING EUROPE angļu valodā. 

American political retreat, the UK’s decision to leave the EU, and persisting European disunity have pushed Germany to take a leading role in the European Union. French president Emanuel Macron has an ambition to reform the Union. This can be done only by aligning the EU members, including Germany. A French-German motor has frequently been the driving force behind reform plans in the past. What role is Germany willing to play now? What are other European countries expecting from Germany given its strong economic position in the heart of Europe?

Dr. Daniela Schwarzer , Director, German Council on Foreign Relations, Germany
Dr. Artis Pabriks , Member of European Parliament 
Mr Steven J. Erlanger , Bureau Chief for The New York Times, Belgium
Ms Elisabeth Bauer , Head of the KAS Office for the Baltic States and Nordic Countries

Moderator: Mr Peter Sparding, Transatlantic Fellow, Europe Program, German Marshall Fund of the United States