Ukraine’s two elections: what to expect



28. septembris, 2018

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Piedāvājam noskatīties Rīgas konferences jeb The Rīga Conference 2018 prezentāciju UKRAINE’S TWO ELECTIONS: WHAT TO EXPECT (angļu val.).

Ukraine faces two crucial elections in 2019, the presidential in March 2019 and parliamentary in late autumn 2019. The high number of undecided voters and the low ratings of all candidates makes predictions ever harder, while makes the elections very competitive. What may these elections bring to the European and Transatlantic integration? Is population still as committed to the strategic directions of the Orange revolution?

Mr Balázs Jarábik
 , Non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Moderator: Ms Mary Dejevsky , Columnist for The Guardian, United Kingdom