29. septembris, 2018
Par raidījumuPiedāvājam noskatīties Rīgas konferences jeb The Rīga Conference 2018 prezentāciju ARCTIC angļu valodā.
The Arctic is experiencing a profound moment of transformation. Climate change has set a stage for the region to become an integral part of global affairs. It comes with both, great deal of opportunities, but with challenges as well. We have a promise of a positive economic benefit, but it should be sustainable and not endangering global climate. Today we see a genuine cooperation among the Arctic nations, but there are no clear cut international borders that will determine maritime, corporate and security patterns of the region. We have a common existential interest to protect the Arctic environment from deterioration, but processes perhaps are much deeper than ones associated with a human activity. In this very diverse mosaic of interests are we able to find a consensus on how to secure a change in the Arctic that is sustainable and friendly?
Amb. Andris Razāns , Ambassador – Director of the Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvia