Can Europe save the 5G newborn...



29. novembris, 2019

Par raidījumu

Panel presentation of Plenary Session 5 "Can Europe save the 5G newborn by introducing an innovative approach in legal framework development?"

Moderator: Dr. Yung Shin Van Der Sype, Lawyer, Timelex, Belgium

  • Laszlo Toth, Head of Public Policy, Europe, GSMA - View presentation
  • Dr. oec. Juris Binde, President & Chairman of the Management Board, Latvian Mobile Telephone (LMT), Latvia
  • Evita Feldberga, Director of Sectoral Policy Department, Ministry of Economics, Latvia
  • 1 more senior-level speakersTBC
    Redaktores: Līga Zaumane, Elīna Lidere